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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Towards new high-strength and heat-resistant Al alloy design enabled by additive manufacturing



报告人:Dr. Gang JI National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France



报告题目:Towards new high-strength and heat-resistant Al alloy design enabled by additive manufacturing


Softening due to severe strength degradation is inevitable in metallic materials at elevated temperatures especially at T>0.5Tm. For instance, at 300 °C, most Al alloys exhibit a low yield strength of only several tens of MPa, merely 10~40 % of that at room temperature. The popular pathways to enhance high-temperature strength have been realized by integrating second-phase reinforcements, such as micro-/nanosized intermetallics, precipitates or ceramic particles in the alloy matrix. In this regard, the most efforts have been made to maintain high volume fraction of the evenly-distributed second-phase particles, while improving their coarsening-resistance. The recent thriving additive manufacturing (AM) technology has shown not only its massive industrial application prospects in rapid prototyping of complex-shaped metallic component with unprecedented freedom, but also highly potential to achieve novel metastable and ultrafine microstructures exploiting its inherent rapid solidification process. In particular, a specific 3D ultrafine cellular-like architecture, consisting of one phase/domain in cells enclosed by the other phase/domain as 3D interconnected network as cell boundaries, has been extensively reported in AM Al, Fe, Cu, and other alloys. This work proposed a new architecture design strategy for developing high-strength and heat-resistant Al alloys using AM.


Dr. G. JI obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees at Shanghai University in China and his Ph.D. degree at Université de technologie de Belfort Montbéliard (UTBM)in France. He joined CNRS as a permanent researcher in 2008. His current research interests include (1) design and engineering of interfaces of advanced metal matrix (nano-) composites for improved mechanical and thermal properties; (2) characterization and understanding of the metastable and anisotropic microstructure and defects in alloys and composites developed by additive manufacturing and (3) atomic-scale characterization for the local transformation of structure, chemistry and properties in complex multiphase materials. In his career to-date, Dr. JI has published around 150 peer-reviewed journal papers including Acta Mater., Angewandte Chimie, Nature Mater., (h-index: 42 from Google Scholar) and has around 100 contributions in international conferences. He is a member of editorial boards of journals “Nano Materials Science” and “Metals”. He was rewarded a 2016 Gledden Fellowship by University of Western Australia in Australia, 2023 IAAM scientist medal and is a guest Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.

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