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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Lithiation mechanism of silicon and ultrafast charge lithium ion battery for electric vehicles



题目:Lithiation mechanism of silicon and ultrafast charge lithium ion battery for electric vehicles

报告人:Dr. Xiaohua Liu (Principal Scientist, GRU Energy Lab, California)

时间:2018年4月2日(星期一) 上午9:40


联系人:朱静老师 62794026

We have witnessed rapid growth of the electric vehicles (EVs) since the introduction of Tesla. For practical use, EV batteries should be extremely safe with high gravimetric energy density, rate capability, low temperature performance, and long cycle life. Silicon is probably the most studied material for the negative electrode. We’ll review some of the fundamental studies about the lithiation mechanism of silicon using in situ electron microscopy. An unique feature of Si, namely ultrafast charge capability, will be discussed as a “game changer” in the global EV technology innovation.

Xiaohua Liu Dr.
Education and Training
(9/1999-12/2007)      Tsinghua University                      Beijing 100084, China
B. E. and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering

Professional Experience?
 (1/2018 - present)   GRU Energy Lab                           San Jose, CA 95131
Principal Scientist: Developing Si-based lithium ion batteries for the EV market
(3/2014 – 1/2018)     Enevate Corporation?                          Irvine, CA 92612
Senior Scientist: Led the anode team and materials characterization teams
 (6/2013 - 2/2014)    Evans Analytical Group                Raleigh, NC 27606
Scientist: Developed advanced microscopy with aberration-corrected STEM
 (4/2012 - 5/2013)    Dow Corning                                 Midland, MI 48686
Analytical Specialist: Researched on Si-based anode materials for lithium ion batteries
(6/2010 - 4/2012)      Sandia National Laboratories               Albuquerque, NM 87185
Postdoctoral Appointee: Developed in-situ TEM technology for fundamental study of lithium ion battery materials
(3/2008 - 5/2010)      Boston College                      Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Postdoctoral Researcher: Developed nanomaterials for lithium ion batteries

Selected Journal Publications (43 academic publications, total 4800+ citations, H-index 31)
[1] Xiao Hua Liu, et al. Nature Nanotechnology, 7 (11): 749-756 (2012).
[2] Xiao Hua Liu, et al. Advanced Energy Materials, 2 (7): 722-741 (2012).
[3] Xiao Hua Liu, et al. ACS Nano, 6 (2): 1522-1531 (2012).
[4] Xiao Hua Liu and Jian Yu Huang. Energy & Environmental Science, 4: 3844-3860 (2011). [5] Xiao Hua Liu, et al. Nano Letters, 11 (9): 3991- 3997 (2011). ?
[6] Xiao Hua Liu, et al. Nano Letters, 11 (8): 3312-3318 (2011).
[7] Xiao Hua Liu, et al. Nano Letters, 11 (6): 2251-2258 (2011).
[8] Jian Yu Huang, et al. Science, 330 (6010): 1515-1520 (2010).

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