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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Low-dimensional Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Thermoelectric Materials



报告题目:Low-dimensional Inorganic/Organic Hybrid Thermoelectric Materials

报告人:Prof. Kunihito Koumoto (Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Nagoya, Japan)



联系人:林红老师 62772848



Flexible thermoelectric (TE) devices for maintenance-free and long-lasting power source that makes use of the body heat, industrial waste heat and even solar heat have been of growing interest. Despite their high TE performance, conventional inorganic TE semiconductors, such as Bi2Te3 and skutterudites, are restricted for this application due to their non-flexible nature and non-scalable manufacturing techniques.
Low-dimensional nanomaterials, such as TMDCs (transition metal dichalcogenides) and CNTs (carbon nanotubes), are the best-known candidate materials for flexible TE devices. Inorganic/organic hybridization based on 1D or 2D nanomaterials is a promising strategy for constructing high-performance flexible thermoelectric materials that can be applied to energy harvesting in the future IoT society.
TiS2/organics hybrid superlattice materials and CNTs-based nanocomposites will be focused and their interesting structures, TE properties, and manufacturing processes will be demonstrated and discussed.

Biography of {Kunihito Koumoto}

•1974  BS, The University of Tokyo
•1976  MS, The University of Tokyo
•1979  Ph.D., The University of Tokyo

Honors and Awards:
•Fellow ot the American Ceramic Society (2005)
•The Commendation by the Minister of MEXT, Prize for Science and Technology (Research Category) (2008)
•Medal with Purple Ribbon, the Emperor of Japan (2013)
•The Thermoelectrics Society of Japan Award (2013)
•Fellow of the Ceramic Society of Japan (2016)
•Kato Memorial Award, Kato Foundation for Promotion of Science (2017)
•ITS 2018 Outstanding Achievement Award (2018)

Research Interests:
•Thermoelectric nanomaterials with low-dimensional structures
•Materials processing and module design for new applications

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