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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Oxygen Vacancy in Energy Conversion and Storage Devices – a Defect or a Beauty?



报告题目:Oxygen Vacancy in Energy Conversion and Storage Devices – a Defect or a Beauty?

报告人:Shanqing Zhang
(Centre for Clean Environment and Energy, School of Environment and Science, Gold Coast Campus, Griffith University)



联系人:林红老师 62772672


Oxygen vacancy (OV) can be considered as a defect when the number of oxygen atoms expected in a compound is less (or missing) than what it should be in its perfect crystal lattice, it is known as In this talk, OV in titania and lithium titanate nanomaterials achieved via numerous ways (hydrogenation, cold quenching and chemical reduction) is characterized and applied for photocatalysis and lithium ion battery applications. The preliminary results suggest that the OV could bring about significant enhancement in energy conversion efficiency and energy storage capability and stability.

1.Chen, H., Ling, M., Hencz, L., Ling, H. Y., Li, G., Lin, Z., & Zhang, S. (2018). Chemical Reviews. 2018 118 (18), 8936-8982.
2.D. Adekoya, X Gu, M. Rudge, W. Wen, C Lai, M Hankel, & S. Zhang, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201803972.
3.Qiu J., Li S., Gray E., Liu H., Gu Q., Sun C., Lai C., Zhao H., Zhang S., J. Phys. Chem. C., 2014, 118, 8824−8830

Prof. Shanqing Zhang obtained his PhD degree in electrochemistry in 2001 at Griffith University, Australia. Since then, he has worked as a research fellow during 2001–2006, senior research fellow during 2007–2009 and associate professor at Centre for Clean Environment and Energy and Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University during 2010-2015.  As a core inventor, Dr. Zhang has developed a series of patented and commercialized technologies for environmental monitoring based on functional nanomaterials. He was awarded Australia Research Council Future Fellow for 2009-2013. Currently, Prof. Zhang is mainly engaged in the research on synthesis of functional nanomaterials and modification of environmentally friendly natural polymers for energy conversion and storage devices, as well as the development of intelligent online and/or onsite sensors for environmental monitoring. He has published ca. 150 reputable papers and delivered numerous Keynotes and invited lectures.

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