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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Nanoengineering for Advanced Materials & Structures: Thermal, Electrical and Mechanical Behaviors



报告题目:Nanoengineering for Advanced Materials & Structures: Thermal, Electrical and Mechanical Behaviors

报告人:Dr. Yanguang Zhou(University of California Los Angeles)





When the scale of materials goes down to a tiny scale, i.e., nanometer scale which is a billionth of a meter, the physical and chemical properties of the materials become quite unusual due to the quantum and size effects. As a result, nanotechnologies have often served as tools for design of highly functional engineered materials & structures with potential applications in health, energy and manufacturing. In this seminar, I will discuss a number of nanoengineering examples showcasing our recent materials and technologies innovations including the active control of heat conduction using magnetic controllable thermal conductivity, boosting the thermoelectric performance via decoupling the thermal and electrical transport, and interfacial absorption for the morphology of graphene on the substrate. I will introduce a new methodology to handle the thermal transport process in magnetic semiconductors & insulators, demonstrate how the nanotwinned structures can improve the electrical properties, and propose a criterion on the morphology of graphene in graphene-based composites. Future research on wearable thermoelectric generator, magnetic materials for smart materials, and interfacial thermal management for heat dissipation in chips and water treatment, i.e., water desalination and water purification, will be also discussed.  


Biographical Sketch
Dr. Yanguang Zhou is a postdoctoral scholar at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). He receives his Ph.D. degree with “Ausgezeichnet” in Mechanical Engineering Department at RWTH-Aachen University (2017), as well as his M.Eng. degree (2014) and B.Eng. degree (2011) in Mechanical Engineering Department at Beihang University and China University of Geoscience, respectively. Dr. Zhou designs advanced materials & structures, i.e., thermoelectric materials, magnetic materials and nanocomposites, via using nanotechnologies, with applications in energy, thermal management and soft electronics. His research has been published in Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Nanoscale, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Physical Review B. Dr. Zhou is a receipt of AICES Fellowship (2014-2017), Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (2017) and Borchers-Plakette at RWTH-Aachen University (2018).


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