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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Atomic scale simulation in the service of nuclear material



报告题目:Atomic scale simulation in the service of nuclear material

报告人:Prof. Robin Grimes, FRS FREng (Department of Materials, Imperial College, UK)

报告时间:2019年5月29日(周三) 下午3:00


联系人:章晓中老师 62773999



With nuclear energy related technologies, data to underpin operation is often difficult to obtain either because the controlling factor takes place on time scales or length scales that are challenging or the hazard is exceptionally demanding on experimental facilities.  In these circumstances computer simulations can be especially useful.  We can use the results of simulation in different ways. Most simply to provide property values for existing models and further analyze experimental values. Perhaps to check or test existing assumptions or to improve existing models by developing the physical models.  Sometimes it is possible to develop totally new models, using the simulations to discover or identify the physics/chemistry behind the process.  In this seminar we will consider each of these in turn, to see where computer simulation can add value to the development of nuclear materials.

Robin Grimes is Professor of Materials Physics at Imperial College. In his research, he uses computer simulation techniques to predict the behaviour of materials for energy applications including nuclear fission and fusion, fuel cells, batteries and solar cells.  Robin is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering.  In April 2017 he became Chief Scientific Adviser (nuclear) to the Ministry of Defence having been Chief Scientific Adviser to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office between 2013 and 2018.


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