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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Laser Surface Modification of Materials



报告题目:Laser Surface Modification of Materials

报告人:Prof. German F. de la Fuente (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA), CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza)

报告时间:2019年6月4日(周二) 下午3:00


联系人:汪长安老师 62785488


Lasers are widely used in Industry to perform many types of transformations on most types of materials, although the most commonly known uses of lasers include metal cutting, welding and surface processing. A wide variety of phenomena may be induced with different types of lasers available at the industrial level, however, which surpass the expectations generated by the success of cutting and welding advances [1]. The unique properties of Lasers allow choosing emission parameters such as intensity, pulsed or cw operation, pulse length and wavelength. The use of lasers fitted with beam and line scanning optical systems [2] provides ideal conditions to induce a plethora of transformations inaccessible to conventional methods, where induced processes are essentially based on intense thermal transfer or on vacuum and chemical deposition methods, particularly on surfaces [3, 4]. Amongst recently developed processes in our laboratory, it is worth emphasizing those based on an intense photothermal interaction, on the one hand [5-7], and those based on mixed type photothermal, photophysical and, sometimes photochemical interactions, on the other. Examples will be given of decontamination, melting and ablation processes, applied to  controled surface finish in metals. In addition, decoration processes via surface melting within a furnace will be described for ceramics and glass products.

Dr. Germán F. de la Fuente, Ph.D. in Chemistry is a Research Professor of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), working at the Aragón Institute for Materials Science (ICMA/University of Zaragoza-CSIC). He has specialised in developing surface coating and modification processing methods for ceramics, glasses, metals and C nanostructures. He has started the Laser Applications Laboratory at ICMA about 25 years ago, developing Laser induced Zone Melting methods to control solidification and microstructure in both, Superconductor and Eutectic Ceramics. He later established facilities for Laser Ablation of materials with the objective of developing original, large-area surface and coatings fabrication methods on metals, alloys, ceramics and glass, in addition to C nanostructure preparative techniques based on laser irradiation of graphitic and molecular precursors. His work has attracted attention from several industries, resulting in a large number of projects with Industrial partners at the local, national and European levels. He is the co-inventor of 10 patents, the coauthor of more than 150 scientific papers and has coordinated a large number of publicly and privately funded projects based on the use of laser technology developed in his research group.

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