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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:The Potential of Self-assembling Nanopeptide Hydrogel in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine



报告题目:The Potential of Self-assembling Nanopeptide Hydrogel in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

报告人:Tzu-Wei Wang (王子威) 教授 台湾新竹清华大学

报告时间:2019年8月27日(周二) 下午3:30


联系人:王秀梅 62782966



With the sol-gel transition behavior in physiological condition and highly biocompatible and biodegradable characteristics, self-assembling peptide (SAP) has been regarded as a promising biomaterial for 3D hydrogel scaffold or served as cell/gene/drug carrier for the applications in tissue engineering and drug delivery system. The addition of functional motifs with various modification ratios and multi-extended diversity enrich SAP possessing therapeutic functionality for different biopharmaceutical applications in medical disease treatment. In this talk, functionalized self-assembling nanopeptide hydrogel was developed with nanofibrous network structure to mimic native extracellular matrix microenvironment. Their physiochemical properties and rheological behavior were investigated and demonstrated. Different functional motifs are then conjugated to the extended SAPs for the effect on immediate hemostasis, facilitative liver tissue regeneration, and improved angiogenesis and neurogenesis for the treatment of injuries in central nervous system.


Tzu-Wei Wang is currently a Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University in 2006. His postdoc training was conducted at Harvard University during 2007-2009. He joined National Tsing Hua University as an Assistant Professor in 2009 and then promoted to Associate Professor in 2013. Now, he is the full Professor at the same institute from 2018. His research interests are: 1) Development of functionalized smart biomaterials for the applications in tissue engineering and drug delivery, 2) Control of extracellular microenvironment using physical, chemical, and biological approaches for the manipulation of stem cell fate. He has published over 50 scientific peer-reviewed SCIpapers (h index 22, i10 index 32) and received several international patents in the past few years. He has been awarded with TERMIS Young Plenary Award in 2013, and Young Investigator Award in 2014, 2016, 2018 in the broad field of Biomedical Engineering.


Slected publications:

1.      Jian WH, Wang HC, Kuan CH, Chen MH, Wu HC, Sun JS, and Wang TW*, “Glycosaminoglycan-based Hybrid Hydrogel Encapsulated with Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles for Endogenous Stem Cell Regulation in Central Nervous System Regeneration”, Biomaterials, (174) 17-30, 2018

2.      Lin CJ, Kuan CH, Wang LW, Wu HC, Chen Y, Chang CW, Huang RY, and Wang TW*, “Integrated self-assembling drug delivery system possessing dual responsive and active targeting for orthotopic ovarian cancer theranostics”, Biomaterials, (90) 12-26, 2016

3.      Cheng TY, Chen MH, Chang WH, Huang MY, and Wang TW*, “Neural stem cells encapsulated in a functionalized self-assembling peptide hydrogel for brain tissue engineering”, Biomaterials, 34(8):2005-2016, 2013

 4.      Huang YJ, Wu HC, Tai NH, Wang TW*, “Carbon nanotube rope with electrical stimulation promotes the differentiation and maturity of neural stem cells”, Small, 8(18):2869-2877, 2012

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