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​清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Seeing the Invisible: Interfacial Phenomena in Energy Materials



报告题目:Seeing the Invisible: Interfacial Phenomena in Energy Materials

报告人:Prof. Vinayak P. Dravid(美国西北大学)

报告时间:2019年9月4日(周三) 上午10:30


联系人:李敬锋 62784845



Surfaces and interfaces are integral part of materials microstructure. Their dynamic behavior, especially under external stimuli such as thermal, electrical or mechanical, underpin great number of materials phenomena; ranging from mechanical behavior to charge transport. A detailed understanding of the dynamics of surfaces and interfaces, across hierarchical length-scales, holds the key to improved materials properties; as in energy conversion, storage and transport.

The presentation will cover several examples of emerging nanostructures and associated interfacial phenomena in energy materials. It will cover chalcogenide thermoelectrics which reversibly convert (waste) heat into useful electricity and Li and Na- oxide-based electrochemical storage systems which show remarkable stability and sustained energy release enabled by nanoscale interfacial phenomena. The role of advanced and in-operando electron microscopy will be highlighted in unravelling the hierarchical architecture of the constituents and their intimate interplay in governing key phenomena in energy conversion and electrochemical storage.

It will be argued that static and dynamic microscopy have pivotal role in understanding spatio-temporal phenomena in surface and interfacial phenomena in energy materials.


Vinayak P. Dravid is Abraham Harris Chaired Professor of Materials Science & Engineering and the founding Director of Northwestern’s NUANCE (NU Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization Experimental) Center. He received his B.Tech. from IIT Bombay in 1984, and PhD from Lehigh University in 1990. He joined Northwestern soon after, and has been on the faculty of materials science & engg. ever since.

Professor Dravid’s scholarly interests revolve around “imaging”, from atoms to animals and from arts to astronomy. He has a diverse research portfolio covering advanced microscopy, nanotechnology, technology strategy, energy policy and emerging educational paradigms. His Google analytics include: over 530+ archival journal publications, H-index of ~92, more than two dozen issued/pending patents. Some of his patents are licensed to start-up companies in nanotechnology, sensor/diagnostic systems.

As Clarivate Analytics’ one of the highest cited researchers in 2018, Professor Dravid’s awards/honors include Fellowships to numerous societies such as: Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), American Physical Society (APS), American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), Materials Research Society (MRS), the Microscopy Society of America (MSA, inception class), and the American Ceramic Society (ACerS). He is the recipient of several noteworthy awards; the American Ceramic Society’s Robert L. Coble Award and with Japanese Ceramic Society’s Richard M. Fulrath Award, MSA’s Burton Medal, IBM’s Faculty Award, NSF’s Young Investigator Award. He is an honorary life-member of MRS India (MRSI), and Hsuen Lee fellow of the Chinese Academy of Science. He has been elected to Northwestern’s Faculty Honor Roll for several years for excellence in teaching.

As the founding director of Global McCormick, Professor Dravid has helped launch many global research and educational initiatives across Asia (e.g., India, Singapore), Europe (e.g., France, Germany), Africa (e.g., Egypt), S. America (e.g., Brazil, Argentina), among others.

Professor Dravid has served as advisor and consultant to metrology, energy/petrochemical companies, IP firms, the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, among others. He advises NGOs, professional society outreach programs, international organizations and private sector about science, technology and policy. One of his passions is to enhance societal and global appreciation for science and technology, especially of microscopy, materials science, nanotechnology, and energy/sustainability.

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