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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Empa: Thin Film Technologies for a Sustainable Future


报告题目:Empa: Thin Film Technologies for a Sustainable Future

报告人: Evgeniia P. Gilshtein博士(瑞士联邦材料研究所EMPA)

报告时间:2019年10月2日(周三) 15:00


联系人:伍晖老师 62792396



As the leading Swiss R&D institution in the field of nanostructured materials and a part of the ETH Domain its interfaces and coatings, Empa drive the application-oriented exploitation of nanoscale effects and materials in collaborative projects. During this talk, you will learn about current activities and projects of Empa, its departments and research capabilities. In addition, you will get an introduction to the activities of Empa's leading Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics, which is covering different research areas. The Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics is doing research and development on not only highly efficient thin film solar cells, but also broadening its research activities to the advanced thin-films battery technologies, high-performance functional coatings, materials and components for printed electronics.



Evgeniia P. Gilshtein received her Bachelor degree in Technical physics from the St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, and her master degree in Electronics and Nanoelectronics from St. Petersburg Academic University RAS and Ioffe Physical Technical Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia. She joined Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow in 2014 as a PhD student of Nanomaterials Lab and defended her PhD thesis in October 2018 under Material Science and Engineering Program. After the defense, she moved to Switzerland, Zurich, and joined Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics at Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology as a Postdoctoral researcher. Her research interests include the study of high-performance functional materials, their applications for the creation of novel energy harvesting and storage devices, as well as for conductive, flexible coatings.


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