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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Advanced Ceramics Industry in Japan and Introduction of JFCA Activities



题目:Advanced Ceramics Industry in Japan and Introduction of JFCA Activities

报告人:Yano Tomosaburo, Executive Director, Japan Fine Ceramics Association, Tokyo, Japan

时间: 2019年10月15日(星期二)13:40
地点: 清华大学逸夫技术科学楼B213陶瓷学术报告厅
联系人:李敬锋老师  62784845


Japan Fine Ceramics Association (JFCA) has 103 members including major manufacturers and users of advanced ceramics.  According to an industrial trend survey, the total domestic production of advanced ceramics in Japan reached approximately $ 30 billion in 2018. To meet our members’ needs, we strive to develop the basic technologies for the future of advanced ceramics and offer a variety of projects which include developing international standards, hosting seminars, technical visits and developing industrial roadmaps. In this presentation, we introduce about our activities on R&D, Advanced Coating Alliance, CMC Consortium, High Reliability Study Working Group, Optical Ceramics Study Working Group, international liaison with USACA and PEC and ISO Fine Ceramics international standards development. Concerning the international standards development, JFCA serves as the international secretariat for ISO/TC206 of Fine Ceramics.

Mr. Yano is currently the Executive Director of the Japan Fine Ceramics Association (JFCA), Japan.  He is also the Councilor of the Ceramics Society of Japan (CSJ).  Mr. Yano has 30 year experience working in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).  Prior to joining JFCA in 2014, he was the Policy Advisor of Indonesian government of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR).  Mr. Yano has earned Master of Science from the University of Pennsylvania, USA and Master of Political Science from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan.

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