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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Titanium Alloys Application on Medical Devices to Improve Recharging Performance


报告题目:Titanium Alloys Application on Medical Devices to Improve Recharging Performance

报告人:Bernard Li(Medtronic PLC)

报告时间:2019年11月8日(周五) 上午9:00-11:00


联系人:孙晓丹老师 62772977


There is a need for medical devices to be rechargeable to make devices smaller and last longer.   The current non-rechargable devices such as pace makers and Neuro stimulators, the shields were made of commercial pure (CP) Titanium Grade1.  The excellent formability of CP Titanium Grade 1 sheet enables it to be formed into sharp corners or deep drawn for housing.  However, due to its high conductivity, Titanium grade 1 is a good electrical-magnetic field shielding material, which is not desirable for rechargeable device housings at high frequency.  The CP Titanium housing has a low efficiency of power coupling for recharging and shorter telemetry distances.  One desirable metal for the housing to improve rechargeability is to apply a Titanium alloy with high resistivity.  However, the formability of Titanium alloy usually is not as good as CP Titanium grade 1.   In this study, discussed the requirement of Titanium alloys application for rechargeable devices.  The study demonstrated that Titanium alloys performance of electrical rechargeability and materials formability for devices.

Bernard Li,Medtronic Technical Fellow, ASM International Fellow, his professional focus is on metallic materials application on medical devices.  Dr. Li’s work covers broad area of materials application in medical devices such as materials selections, materials process development, microstructure analysis, failure analysis and mechanical testing for conductor leads, implantable neurological stimulators, deep brain stimulator, drug pumps, Neurovascular stents and spinal products.  Dr. Li has successfully developed multiple materials application to medical devices.  Before working for Medtronic, Dr. Li did many years R&D on Al and Ti alloys in NASA and Reynolds Metals for aerospace and aeronautic application, his work on Al-Li alloys has contributed for Space Shuttle Light Weight Tank.  Dr. Li holds 26 US patents and 15 World patents, he has more than 40 published papers.  Bernie has more than 130 presentations in Medtronic Science &Technology conferences in different materials applications.  The materials Dr. Li developed have been applied in several medical devices made by Medtronic and benefited more than 100,000 patients. Dr. Li won several awards such as Medtronic Technical Contribution of the Year, Star of Excellence of Medtronic RTG, Presidential Scholar Award of Microscopy Society of America (MSA) and Award International Metallographic Contest IMS/ASM.  Dr. Li was elected as a Fellow of ASM International due to his contribution in materials science application for medical devices.  Dr. Li holds a Ph.D in Material Science from University of Virginia, MS in Metallurgy from MIT and BS in Physics in Lanzhou University in China.

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