报告题目:Nanophotonic Approaches for Enhanced Luminescence Upconversion
报告人:Won Park, University of Colorado Boulder
报告时间:2019年12月12日(周四) 下午15:00
联系人:孙竞博老师 [email protected]
Nanophotonics offer a highly effective mechanism for strong localization of light and local field enhancement. Naturally there has been extensive research worldwide for their applications in various fields of photonics and optics. One of the latest emerging frontiers in nanophotonics research is the study of nanophotonic enhancement of nonlinear optical processes. Among them, luminescence upconversion has attracted much interest. In contrast to the nonlinear susceptibility based frequency conversion processes, luminescence upconversion is efficient even when excited by incoherent light with low intensity. This prompted much interest for potential applications in areas such as solar energy conversion and bioimaging where traditional nonlinear optics have not been used.
In this talk, I will start with an introduction to surface plasmon, photonic crystal and frequency upconversion processes and then present the electrodynamic principles governing the luminescence upconversion process in a photonic nanostructure. I will then present our spectroscopic studies on the photonically enhanced luminescence upconversion, which identified the enhancement mechanisms and factors for all processes involved in the luminescence upconversion. Finally, I will present a new therapeutic approach for bladder cancer based on plasmon-upconversion nanoclusters. Our plasmon-upconversion nanoclusters allows for high sensitivity detection of cancer cells via upconversion luminescence. Upon detection, the cells are immediately treated by photothermal, photodynamic or optoporation therapies. For this, we developed techniques of synthesizing plasmon-upconversion nanoclusters and bioconjugation with antibody to epidermal growth factor receptor for cancer targeting. Our study shows cellular level targeting of cancer cells and highly selective therapy is possible.
Brief Bio:
Dr. Wounjhang (Won) Park received his Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology. He then worked as Post-Doctoral Fellow and Research Scientist II at the Georgia Tech Research Institute until he joined the faculty of University of Colorado Boulder where he is currently Sheppard Professor of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering Program and University of Colorado Cancer Center. Dr. Park’s research interest is mainly in the light-matter interaction in nanostructures. Current research focuses on the thermal radiation engineering for energy harvesting, plasmonic nanostructures for cancer detection and therapy and mid-infrared photonic devices. Dr. Park has published over 100 peer-reviewed technical articles and 4 invited book chapters and holds 6 U.S. patents. He is the recipient of Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Senior Fellowship in Cancer Nanotechnology from the National Institute of Health, and the Provost’s Faculty Achievement Award from the University of Colorado Boulder.