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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告: Chemical and structural analysis of functional materials: complexity and challenges

Topic: Chemical and structural analysis of functional materials: complexity and challenges


Abstract: Properties and functions of materials are determined by the defect, structure and their evolution on every relevant time, length, field and energy scale. A comprehensive understanding of the chemical and structural complexation of materials has therefore become critical in the material study. In this talk, I will first present several case-studies to show you (1) how the local structure and local chemistry of materials determine their property, and (2) how the alien atom stays in materials and how they locally alter surrounding chemical environment as well as material properties. Based on the sufficient understanding of chemical composition, defect, structure and property of existing materials, a new chemistry strategy is then proposed for the design and development of new materials, such as colossal permittivity materials, highly efficient visible light catalysts and new bulk photovoltaic materials. In the end I will briefly discuss the challenges and technical difficulties to attain precise chemical and structural analyses, giving my personal perspectives on general material design and characterization.


报告地点:Zoom在线会议(Meeting ID: 850 1619 6154 Password: 541683)



Professor Yun Liu

Head, Functional Materials Research group

ARC Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship

The Australian National University

Professor Yun Liu received her BSc from the Xian Jiaotong University, China, and then had a four-years working experience in the integrated circuit manufacturing industry as an electronic engineer and processing engineer. She then went back to the same university for postgraduate study and received PhD degree in 1997. She then worked at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan for three years and then moved to Australia in 2001 by taking a postdoctoral fellow at the Research School of Chemistry (RSC), College of Science, the Australian National University (ANU).

She was awarded National Fellowships of the AIST (1998-1999) and the STA (1999-2001) (Science and Technology Agency, now renamed as the Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) in Japan. She was also awarded the Australian Research Council (ARC) Queen Elisabeth II (2006-2010), Future (2011-2016) and Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship (2021-) in Australia.She is current President of the Australian Neutron Beam User Group (ANBUG) and Chair of the Materials Chemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemistry Instituted (RACI).

She is a chair professor of Materials Chemistry at the ANU, leading a Functional Materials Research group. Her research focuses on defect chemistry, local structure and functional properties of condensed matter, using complex materials chemistry to achieve novel functional properties for various applications in electronical technology, energy and environment. She has filed/issued 41 patents and published over 250 publications in top-tier journals, including Nature, Science, Nature Materials etc.

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