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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Influence of microalloying elements on microstructure and tensile properties in cold-rolled steels



报告人:Prof. Dong-Woo Suh  (Graduate Institute of Ferrous and Eco materials Technology, POSTECH, Korea)



Influence of microalloying elements on microstructure and tensile properties in cold-rolled steels


Dong-Woo Suh is a professor of Graduate Institute of Ferrous and Eco materials Technology, POSTECH, Korea. He received Bachelor, Master and Ph.D degrees at Seoul National University, Korea. Immediately after graduation, he joined the National Institute of Materials Science, Japan, in 2021 and made research as a STA fellow. Then, in 2002, he started working as a researcher at POSCO's Technical Research Laboratories in Korea. In 2003, he worked as a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Materials Science. In 2009, he was appointed as a professor at the Graduate Institute of Ferrous and Eco Materials Technology, located in POSTECH, Korea.

His research interests cover various fundamental aspects of microstructural and property control in alloys, including phase transformation in structure alloys, materials design for advanced structure alloys, degradation of alloys in non-friendly environment, etc. He received multiple academic awards such as the Young Scientist Award by Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, the Yoon Dong Seok Award by Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Seok-Chun Academic Award by Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, etc. His main scientific publications are listed below:

•“Acceleration of bainitic transformation in a 0.28C-3.8Mn-1.5Si steel utilizing chemical heterogeneity”, Scripta Materialia, 239 (2023), 115779.

•“Microstructure and tensile properties of chemically heterogeneous steel consisting of martensite and austenite”, Acta Materialia, 223 (2022), 117506.

•“Enhanced ductility of as-quenched martensite by highly stable nano-sized austenite”, Scripta Materialia, 201 (2021), 113955.

•“Influence of chronological control of phase transformation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of complex phase steels”, Scripta Materialia, 200 (2021), 113892.

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