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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Introduction to piezoelectric MEMS technologies- History and recent trends



报告人:Prof. Isaku Kanno(Kobe University, Japan)



Introduction to piezoelectric MEMS technologies-History and recent trends


This lecture will introduce the basic concepts of piezoelectric MEMS technology, including the history of research and development on the application of ferroelectric thin films to MEMS. Current and future commercial applications of PZT-based piezoelectric MEMS, such as inkjet printer heads, gyro-sensors, dual-stage actuators for HDDs, and acoustic and ultrasonic devices will also be presented. The deposition and characterization of PZT piezoelectric thin films as a fundamental technology for piezoelectric MEMS will also be discussed.


Isaku Kanno has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Kobe University since 2011. He has undertaken research on a wide range of topics in ferroelectric, thin film materials and their related devices. Encompassing functional oxide thin film, all-solid-state thin-film Li ion batteries, piezoelectric MEMS, sensors and actuators. He was awarded the METI Industrial Standardization Award (Japan) in 2019. He has received the IEC 1906 Award (2019) and The Murata Science Foundation Fellowship Award (2014). He is currently the Guest Editor of App. Lett. Phys. Special Topic Piezoelectric MEMS (AIP) and Associate Editor of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Elsevier). He is also the Fellow of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering and the General chair of Piezoelectric MEMS Forum, Japan.

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