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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Next-generation Ultra-high-efficiency, Ultra-low-cost Solar Cell



报告人:申何萍 助理教授(澳大利亚国立大学工程色播app )



Next-generation Ultra-high-efficiency, Ultra-low-cost Solar Cell


Renewable energy stands as the most significant contributor on the path to a sustainable energy Earth. Solar photovoltaics (PV) are poised to take the lead as the largest renewable energy generation source, driving the achievement of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The key driver for the fast growth of solar PV lies in further significant reduction of cost and increase of solar-to power efficiency. Continuous cost reductions in materials and manufacturing, along with technological advancements including efficiency improvements in industrial silicon (Si) solar cells will contribute to this progress. However, the current Si solar cell technology faces a theoretical efficiency limit of 29% leaving limited room for further improvement, making it urgent to develop next-generation solar cell technologies that can surpass this limit. In this seminar, I will talk about the next generation of solar cell technologies to break through the 30% solar-to-power efficiency barrier while achieving ultra-low cost. I will discuss my work, spanning from material innovation and development, to device fabrication and engineering, and fundamental investigation. I will also outline our research plans aimed at accelerating the commercialization pathway of these technologies and facilitating their large-scale deployment in the coming years.


Dr. Shen is a tenured Assistant Professor at School of Engineering, the Australian National University, leading a team focusing on developing the next generation ultra-low-cost solar cell technologies including perovskite and tandem solar cells. Shen earned the Bachelor degree (University Medal) in Material Science and Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2009, and the PhD degree from Tsinghua University under supervision of Prof. Hong Lin in 2014. She has established close collaborations with renowned institutes in energy and has held visiting scholar positions, including at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) in 2022, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 2016, and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in 2012. Shen and her team have achieved multiple solar cell efficiency records, developed two patents on tandem solar cell technology, and published ~100 publications on top tier journals including Nature, Science and Nature Review Materials. Shen collaborates extensively with leading photovoltaics manufacturing companies, including Jinko Solar and Risen Energy, to advance the commercialization of next generation solar cell technologies.

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