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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Diversity of chemical structures and material properties of emerging polar liquid crystals



报告人:黄明俊老师(South China University of Technology)



Diversity of chemical structures and material properties of emerging polar liquid crystals


Ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal (NF LC) has attracted considerable attention for its unique viscoelastic nature, topology and electro-optical properties. In this presentation, we will show diverse chemical structure design exhibiting NF phase, in both small molecules and polymers. Meanwhile, these NF LCs, as well as other types of novel polar LCs, with distinct chemical structures largely enrich the toolbox for tuning the physical properties of ferroelectric nematics, including SHG coefficient, dielectric permittivity, elasticity, viscosity, refractive anisotropy, phase transition pathway and temperatures. Finally, we will introduce our recent progress in the development of relaxor ferroelectric LC. Through the mixing of traditional non-polar N LC and emergent polar NF LCs, a new type of liquid relaxor ferroelectrics is developed with continuous tunning of the ferroelectric domain size.


Prof. Mingjun Huang received his Bachelor’s Degree from Peking University in 2010 and PhD degree in Polymer Science at the University of Akron in 2015. He then moved to MIT Chemistry department for postdoc research, working on battery electrolyte material development. He started his independent career in South China University of Technology from 2019. He is currently a professor in School of Emergent Soft Matter. He mainly focuses on the soft matter functional material development within the scope of optics, electric, and energy storage. His main research projects involve: 1) Liquid crystals/liquid crystal polymers with unprecedented structures and properties; 2) Polymer materials for specific needs in display technology and energy storage; 3) Self-assembly of macromolecules with precise chemical structures in condensed states. He has published more than 100 papers, including the first or corresponding authored papers in Science, Nat. Chem. and Nat. Phys., etc. He has also coedited a book and applied more than 20 patents.

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