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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:High Entropy and Entropy-stabilized Oxides: Recent Developments and Physical Properties



报告人:Prof. Nita DragoeICMMO, Université Paris-Saclay, Bat. Henri Moissan I, 91405 Orsay, France



High Entropy and Entropy-stabilized Oxides: Recent Developments and Physical Properties


The role of configurational entropy in the synthesis of new alloys was known since 2004 and this role was found applicable to oxides in 2015. Since then, Entropy Stabilized Oxides and High Entropy Oxides (HEOx) became a hot topic in the field of functional materials. This field was extended to other ceramics and it is expected to grow in the following years. Many compositions have already been obtained with various crystal structures, with both entropy-stabilized and thermodynamically stable compounds. Some of them exhibit promising functional properties, among other: ionic conductivity, photocatalytic properties, unexpected magnetic ordering, thermoelectric properties (...). Although no clear link has been made to date between these properties and the possible role of entropy-stabilization (or even high-entropy nature), cocktail effects have been reported in some cases with functional properties of the multicomponent compounds significantly different from that of their single-cation counterparts. In this talk, I will give an overview of the various systems studied in our group and discuss the perspective they open for applications.


Prof. Nita DRAGOE obtained his Ph.D. degree from Université Paris Sud XI and University of Bucharest in 1996. He was the assistant professor at the University of Bucharest, postdoctor at University of Tokyo, and currently holds the position of full professor at Université Paris Sud. His primary research interests include Synthesis and transport properties of high entropy oxides, synthesis of high-temperature superconducting ceramics, the decomposition of precursors, the synthesis of single crystals (cosolvent growth), the synthesis of coordination compounds, and the synthesis of organic chemistry (Fullerenes Research on materials).

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