会议主题:Prof. KN TU's Invited Talk ( Tsinghua University Chen Wang)
会议时间:2023/03/02 11:00-13:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间-北京
Topic: Mean-time-to-failure equations in microelectronic devices based on entropy production
K. N. Tu
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, and Dept. of Electrical Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Abstract: In microelectronics industry, product assurance of a new consumer electronic product requires statistical analysis of failure. It can provide two important reliability information. First is the mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) of the product under a given condition of use in the field of consumers. Second is in the projection of future application of an existing product, when the applied current density may increase due to the increase of functionality.While Black’s MTTF equation for electromigration has been widely used, it is empirical and its (1/j)2 dependent is controversial. Following Onsager’s theory of entropy production, Tu
and Gusak [1] have formally derived the MTTF equation and show that the correct dependence is on (T/j)2, not (1/j)2. Furthermore, they has also derived the MTTF equations for thermomigration and stress-migration, which are new.
Speaker CV:
King-Ning Tu received his PhD degree in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 1968. He spent 25 years at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as Research Staff Member in Physical Science Department. He joined UCLA in 1993. He was Distinguished Professor in Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering and also Dept. of Electrical Engineering at UCLA until June 2016. He is now Chair Professor in City University of Hong Kong. He is a Fellow of APS, TMS, MRS, and an Overseas Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK. He was president of MRS in 1981. He received the 2013 John Bardeen Award of TMS EMPM Division, and 2017 IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Award. He is an academician of Academia Sinica.