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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Publishing in Materials Science and How to Maximize your Success



报告人:Jörn Ritterbusch(Wiley-VCH)



Publishing in Materials Science and How to Maximize your Success


Publishing your research results is an integral – if not the most important – part of your research. In this talk, some insight in the publishing process at the inhouse editorial offices of the successful journal family of Advanced Functional Materials will be given. I will clarify the workflow at a publisher from the moment the manuscript arrives until it is published and emphasize the role of the editor in that process. In the second part, I concentrate specifically on the requirements for successful publication in our high-impact journals and explain our requirements for acceptable manuscripts in our journals – and which pit falls authors should avoid in the preparation and submission process. Furthermore, some questions regarding publishing ethics and the use of AI tools in the publishing process will be discussed.


Jörn Ritterbusch joined Wiley-VCH in 1996 after finishing his PhD in Chemistry at the TU Braunschweig, Germany. He is Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Functional Materials since 2012 and currently also leads the Open Access journals Advanced Sensor Research (recently launched) and Advanced Electronic Materials. As Senior Editorial Director he is also responsible for the financial planning of the journals business in the Materials Science & Physics department at Wiley-VCH and manages a group of other editors who are responsible for another eight journals. During his publishing career he was responsible for the Materials Science book program, the Macromolecular journal family, Advanced Engineering Materials and some parts of the physics journals program at Wiley-VCH. He received a Guest Professorship by Tianjin University in 2019.

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