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清华大学材料科学与工程研究院《材料科学论坛》学术报告:Soft Materials and Origami-based Structures for Robotics and the Metaverse



报告人:Professor Hanqing Jiang



Soft Materials and Origami-based Structures for Robotics and the Metaverse


Three basic deformation modes of an object (bending, twisting, and contraction/extension) along with their various combinations and delicate controls lead to diverse locomotion. As a result, seeking mechanisms to achieve simple to complex deformation modes in a controllable manner is a focal point in related engineering fields. Here, in this talk, I will share some thoughts of achieving multi-mode robotics arms, using different methods, including fabric-based pneumatic-driven origami-based actuators, liquid crystal elastomer-based untethered actuators, and a pneumatic-driven, origami-based deformation unit that offers all-purpose deformation modes. Beyond origami-based robotic arms, curved origami patterns that enable in-situ stiffness manipulation covering negative, zero, and positive stiffness have been adopted to achieve mechanical haptics with application in the metaverse. These studies open ways to design smart structures for variable applications.


Hanqing Jiang is a Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Westlake University in China. Before joining Westlake University in June 2021, he was a faculty member of Mechanical Engineering at Arizona State University from 2006 to 2021. He received his Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in 2001, majoring in Solid Mechanics. His current research interests include the origami and kirigami based mechanical metamaterials and robotics, mechanics of lithium-metal batteries, and unconventional electronics. He has published 5 book chapters and more than 150 peer-reviewed journal papers. He was elected to an ASME Fellow in 2016. He is a member of the executive committee of the Materials Division of ASME and is the President of the Society of Engineering Science in 2022. Selected honors include an NSF CAREER Award (2009), ASME Worcester Reed Warner Medal (2021), etc.

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